
Data management and artificial intelligence

Modern business generates a large amount of data. But does this data help with analysis, process transformation, and decision-making?

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Our services

Big Data and IoT
Data visualisation
Data Governance
Data Science and AI
Data Platforms

Big Data and IoT

Big Data and IoT are the drivers of digital transformation, creating a continuous flow of valuable data. Use it for automation, analytics, forecasting, achieving better business results and increasing profits.

Read more about Big Data and IoT services from MODUS X

Візуалізація даних

Data is the foundation of your business decisions. Visualise it in a clear and easy-to-use format to gain a deeper understanding of your company's processes, make more accurate decisions, and stay ahead of the competition.

Read more about the Data Visualisation service from MODUS X

Data Governance

Chaotic data management can lead to poor business decisions and financial losses. Build a Data Governance system to ensure that data works for you and is used to its maximum advantage.

Read more about the Data Governance service from MODUS X

Data Science and AI

Harness the power of Data Science and AI to better understand customers, predict their actions, effectively manage business processes, and optimise costs.

Learn more about Data Science and AI services from MODUS X

Data Platforms

Your company accumulates terabytes of data. But how do you store, structure and transform it into insights for business development? Learn about efficient and secure data warehouses that will become the basis of your competitive advantage.

Learn more about Data Platforms from MODUS X

Our expertise



Консультуємо з питань керування даними та стратегії. Супроводжуємо впровадження Data Governance. Розробляємо архітектуру рішень та плануємо їхнє розгортання



Використовуємо передові інструменти для обробки та візуалізації даних, зокрема Power BI, Azure Data Services та Amazon Data Services. Проєктуємо вітрини даних. Візуалізуємо дані, створюємо бізнесові дашборди та автоматизовуємо управлінську звітність



Збираємо та об'єднуємо дані з будь-яких бізнесових та технологічних систем, агрегуємо й структуруємо їх згідно з цілями та задачами, які стоять перед нашими клієнтами. Розробляємо та підтримуємо екосистеми керування даними для пришвидшення цифрової трансформації компаній



Проєктуємо, розробляємо та впроваджуємо індивідуальні комплексні рішення для задоволення унікальних потреб наших клієнтів, як-от моделі предиктивного аналізу, системи виявлення аномалій та моніторингу із використанням штучного інтелекту (AI) та машинного навчання (ML). Збираємо та обробляємо дані з індустріальних систем (Industrial IoT)

Our technologies





Power BI

Microsoft Fabric





Experience of cooperation with large companies

We have successful cases of working with large corporations and complex predictive models. This allows us to create scalable and effective solutions.


Industry expertise in energy and banking

Our SME (subject-matter experts) deeply understand business functions and operations in energy and banking. Therefore, the developed models take into account the specifics of the industry and effectively close business requests.


Comprehensive approach to your business tasks

The team has experts to solve any business request: from initial analysis to building predictive models or data monetization strategies. We cover all aspects of working with data.


Customized solutions

We are not limited to a ready-made product and offer an individual customized solution that is as effective and scalable as possible, and also meets the specifics of your business, request and goals.


Flexibility in choosing solutions

We are not limited to one technology stack and develop individual solutions adapted to business needs and budget. We work with both basic systems for small and medium-sized businesses and complex solutions for large enterprises.


Experience in developing complex architectures

We create complex architectures for collecting, storing and processing data based on Azure and Amazon Web Services. We have successful experience working with critical infrastructure with high requirements for security and data processing speed.


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The New AI Reality: How Artificial Intelligence Simplifies the Work of Marketers and Sales Managers

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