
Corporate portal development

Create a convenient digital hub where each team member can access important information and corporate services: vacations, payslips, certificates, insurance, work schedules, news, and IT services.

Learn how to create an effective portal for your company

Why your business needs a corporate portal

Quick access to the data you need

You can access internal services and information in seconds. This optimizes the time spent searching for information, allowing employees to focus on their core functions.

Maximum transparency

Develop a culture of open communication and increase employee loyalty metrics. Each employee can independently access payslips, vacation requests, business trips, etc. in real time.

A single point of entry for employees

Everything your colleagues need is on one resource! An information space with access to important data, services, and news to keep your team informed and avoid wasting time on administration.

Function automation

Save administrative staff time on repetitive operations and document flow: processing applications, approving certificates, generating payslips, controlling vacations and business trips, etc.

Ефективна комунікація та командна робота

Забезпечте ефективну координацію зусиль і комунікацію між відділами, навіть якщо у компанії багато локально розподілених команд, а колеги працюють у віддаленому чи гібридному форматі.


Our expertise

Corporate portal development
Integration with business systems and services
Creating an employee's personal account
Automate application processing
Access to employment data offline 24/7
Issuing certificates in a few clicks
News service
Key Performance Indicators service
IT services

Corporate portal development

We implement corporate portals of various levels of complexity, including for large companies with an extensive, multi-level organizational structure that includes many departments and international teams.

Integration with business systems and services

We create a unified ecosystem by integrating the corporate portal with the platforms and services you already use in your work: HRM, CRM, ERP, production management systems, analytics, etc.

Creating an employee's personal account

An employee's personal profile with access to key personal information, all available corporate services, useful links to corporate websites and additional resources.

Automate application processing

Digitize the process of administering vacation, business trip, and resignation requests - from easy digital submission to management approval in just a day. This reduces paperwork, optimizes HR department efforts, and allows employees to manage their requests independently.

Access to employment data offline 24/7

Transparent access for each team member to payslips, data on accruals, seniority, transfers, insurance, work schedule, etc. All information important to the employee is available in a user-friendly interface 24/7 without the need to involve a manager or HR specialist.

Issuing certificates in a few clicks

Everything you need to obtain certificates: automatic ordering and generation of the document, selection of the date and method of receipt (paper or digital) for the convenience of employees and reduction of the burden on the administration. No unnecessary movements and no wasted time!

News service

One place to keep your team informed with features to track view statistics, likes, and comments. Your colleagues are always informed and involved in corporate life and culture.

Key Performance Indicators service

A transparent process for setting and monitoring key performance indicators allows managers to manage team performance and employees to track progress and find areas for improvement.

IT services

A single point of entry for submitting requests and receiving IT services with the ability to prioritize requests by urgency, track the status of request processing, integrate with a CRM system, etc.


Certified partner of Microsoft and Creatio

Official partnership with technology leaders Microsoft and Creatio gives our specialists access to the best solutions and platforms for automating and digitalizing your business processes.

Individual approach

We analyze your business request and develop a corporate portal for the unique needs of your company, implementing customized modules that solve specific tasks of your business.

Deep expertise

We have first-hand experience with the administrative and communication challenges faced by large corporations. With our understanding of business processes and technological expertise, we create effective solutions to address them.

Best technologies

We use modern Low-code/No-code technologies, such as Microsoft Sharepoint and Creatio, which allow us to create high-performance corporate portals and adapt solutions to your needs with minimal time and resources.


Work stages


Creating a design and prototype

We develop a prototype of a corporate portal, including interface elements, interaction logic, and navigation, as well as validate usability and determine future integrations with external systems and databases.




After development, we conduct functional, cross-browser, integration, and load testing to make sure that all functions, modules, and integrations work correctly.



Technical support and optimization

If necessary, we provide ongoing technical support, resolve technical issues, upgrade components, scale solutions, develop and implement new modules that meet your goals and business challenges.



Corporate portal development

We develop a corporate resource in accordance with a specific technical task, ensure productivity, speed, scalability, and security of the created ecosystem for your business.



Business requirements analysis

We study in detail your organizational structure, internal processes, types and needs of users, define automation goals and key functions that a corporate portal should provide, and create a technical specification.



Solution implementation

We deploy a corporate portal in your company's working environment, train your team, and provide expert support during the familiarization and adaptation period.







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